Rank Promotions
January 26, 2024
Nice Job
Congratulations to all of you who have successfully passed your Rank Promotion exam this January. We look forward to seeing more of you in the future months.
Every step is important. It is each step that makes the next step a possibility. Remember to increase the value of the journey by appreciating each step.
This month's rank promotions are as follows:
Advanced White Belt
Aiden Ye
Lochlan Dillard
Suhanya Sharma
Teckla Radich
Orange Belt
Jalen Reynolds
Kevin Pelletier
Advanced Orange Belt
Cameron Caldwell
Advanced Blue Belt
Ahna Harvey
Andrew Beeson
Benjamin Gerrie
Georgia Johnason
Joshua Zubritskiy
Natalia Pascuzzi
Reid Cole
Sandra Calm
William Zubritskiy
Purple Belt
Asher Rosset
Liam Hamer
Green Belt
Archie Parker
Charlie Parker
Jeffrey Browning
Samuel Frost
Theo Parker
Advanced Green Belt
Laura Iwata Dillard
Advanced Brown Belt
Elio Spaccarelli
Isaiah Morris
First Degree Black Belt
level three
Gretchen Swiers
Tristania Kibbey
If you happen to see any of these recently promoted students, be sure to congratulate them on their progress. It is always very important when a person dedicates themselves to self improvement and follows through with commitment.
Each of these students are taking important steps to make a positive impact on themselves and the people around them and we want to recognize their accomplishments.